COB Industries News
COB Industries has maintained a high profile for over 30 years in the construction,
welding, pipeline and plumbing industries. Articles, advertisements and press releases
related to COB products and activities appear in many leading industry publications.
Please refer to the list of news items below to see what’s new with COB Industries or
to find information about specific applications and projects.
Accu-Freeze® Used To Perform Freeze Seal on 12” Water Main at Canadian Broadcast Corporation Headquarters in Montreal
April 2014—National Vacuum Environmental Services Company (a mechanical contractor in Montreal) was contracted recently to perform a freeze seal on a 12” water main in the boiler room of the CBC Building in downtown Montreal. A freeze seal, or “ice plug” was required in order to change out an old valve that was seized up without having to shut down or drain out the system. While National Vacuum has technicians with experience freezing smaller diameter lines, they decided to contact COB Industries in order to purchase Accu-Freeze® equipment and to receive training to prepare them to tackle more
COB Helps Develop Revolutionary Pipe Purging Technology
November, 2013—COB Industries introduced revolutionary new PurgeGate® technology which is certain to be a game-changer in the world of pipe purging.
Tandem inflatable pipe purging systems have proven to be the fastest, most effective method of pipe purging when welding stainless steel, chrome, titanium and other materials that require an oxygen free weld, but the potential risk of bursting the dams due to over-inflation has always been an issue more
Qwik-Freezer® Used For Repairs At Etihad Tower In Abu Dhabi
July, 2013—Contractors at the world-famous Etihad Towers in Abu Dhabi (pictured above) used Qwik-Freezer® Pipe Freezing Systems to successfully perform multiple freeze seals for piping repairs on the 39th level of Tower 4.
Freeze-Sealing (also referred to as “pipe freezing” or “ice-plugging”) is a process that involves freezing the contents of a pipe to create an internal ice plug to isolate sections of pipe for repair and maintenance, valve replacements, etc. more
COB “V-Block” For Small Diameter LN2 Pipe Freezing
June, 2013—COB Industries, the manufacturer of Qwik-Freeze® and Accu-Freeze® Pipe Freezing Systems for over 40 years, has just introduced the Accu-Freeze® V-Block™ which is an ingenious new pipe freezing tool designed for LN2 freezes on tube and pipe sizes from 1/4” to 1-1/4” diameter. The patented Accu-Freeze® technology more
Dual Purpose Plug for Purging / Testing
April 2013—In late March of 2013 COB Industries received a call from Robert Sambrookes of Complete
Mechanical Services, LLC. in Cincinnati, Ohio. Robert was interested in the Argweld® Quick-Purge™
pipe purging systems in order to purge 8”, 10”, 20” and 22” stainless piping that they needed to weld
as a part of a high tech piping application more
COB Awarded Contract for Subsea Plugs
January 2013—COB Industries was contacted by Swiber, an offshore construction services company,
to discuss their need for subsea pipe plugs for a large offshore oil project in Brunei. COB Industries
has been building various types of high-tech pipe plugs for offshore applications for years including more