COB and Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Limited is proud to introduce a
new TIG welding electrode material.
A tungsten electrode has been developed with a collection of
non-thoriated, non-radioactive, non-carcinogenic dopants to make
it weld at high, low and medium current ranges on both DC TIG
(GTAW) welding of Steels and alloys as well as AC TIG (GTAW)
welding of Aluminum and its alloys.
This mix of dopants |
greatly enhances electrode life
multiplies the number of strikes per tungsten |
does not contain any radioactive material. |
Unlike tungsten-thoria, Multi-Striketm tungsten's contain no radioactive element.
Where Health and Safety authorities or others are concerned
about the radioactive or carcinogenic effects of thoria, Multi-Striketm tungsten electrodes are a high quality alternative.
Multi-Striketm tungsten electrodes are primarily used for GTAW/TIG welding, Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Limited will be pleased to assist in making electrodes meet the equipment specification used for plasma cutting or welding.
Multi-Striketm tungsten's always originate from the identical source, giving the user a guarantee of product quality, reliability, repeatability, consistency and trace ability.
Each pack of 10 is supplied in special packaging which is your
guarantee every time of quality and trace ability.
Now you can achieve all of your TIG (GTAW) welding with one Multi-Striketm
tungsten electrode eliminating the need to stock thoriated, ceriated, lanthanated and zirconiated tungsten's. Multi-Striketm does everything!
